Carson City
About CERT
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is a nationally supported, locally implemented initiative that teaches people how to better prepare themselves for hazards that may affect their communities. Since 1993, CERT has trained the public in basic disaster response skills such as team organization, disaster medical operations, fire safety, and light search and rescue. The ability for CERT volunteers to perform these activities frees up professional responders to focus their efforts on more complex, essential, and critical tasks.
In addition, CERT volunteers participate in non-disaster events, such as identify and aid neighbors/coworkers who might need assistance, distribute preparedness materials, do demos, staff first aid booths at special events, assist with installation of smoke alarms, and participate in parade route management.
Get Involved
Would you like to be on a team dedicated to helping first responders in a crisis? We all have a role to play in keeping our communities safe—no matter where you live, no matter who you are, no matter how you participate. What role will you play? Once you complete your CERT training, you can participate in or lead a variety of activities.
The Carson City CERT Program utilizes Carson City Fire Department and other supporting agencies to prepare citizens for all kinds of emergencies and to aid local emergency services in the event of a disaster in their community. You don’t need any special skills or capabilities to join CERT; every community member can contribute, in their own way, to help their community be better prepared to respond to hazards. CERT will provide training to help you better prepare to help yourself, your family and friends, and your community.
Teen Cert
As a teen, there are probably a lot of things you’re told you can’t do. But there is one very important thing you can do: Learn to protect yourself, your family, and your friends in case of disaster. Volunteers in the CERT Program come from all ages and all walks of life, including teenagers like you! Through Teen CERT, you can serve your community and help take care of your school and home.
In most emergencies, a bystander, or even the victim, provides the first immediate assistance. Joining Carson City Teen CERT teaches you how to respond when others look to you for help. During an emergency, the Carson City Teen CERT may organize volunteers, assist in evacuations, give assistance to survivors, provide damage assessment information, provide shelter support, and assist with crowd management.
Teen CERTs can also help in their schools year-round. Carson City Teen CERT may participate in disaster drills and exercises, present fire safety education, assist in preparedness outreach, provide peer mentoring, and address safety issues in the school.
Basic Training
CERT members will be trained and certified in disaster preparedness, fire suppression, emergency operations, search and rescue techniques, and response to terrorism. They learn life-saving and decision-making skills in order to decrease injury and mortality; providing help until professional life support services arrive.
CERT basic training develops skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not available. With training and practice, and by working as a team, you will be able to protect yourself and maximize your capability to help for the greatest number of people after a disaster. There are 9 core units to CERT basic trainings: Disaster Preparedness, CERT Organization, Disaster Medical Operations (2 parts), Disaster Psychology, Fire Safety and Utility Controls, Light Search and Rescue Operations, Terrorism and CERT, and Course Review, Final Exam and Disaster Simulation.
Contact Us
Email the Carson City CERT at You can also call the Carson City Fire Department non-emergency number at (775) 887-2210 and tell them that you’re interested in finding out more about the Carson City CERT.